Monday, March 22, 2010

How to dress fun and funky, regardless of age or pregnancy!

We here at Funkyfunmaternitywear strongly recommend that all women feel free to "push the envelope" when it comes to fashion. Life is always much more fun and exciting if you learn to dress according to your attitude, not your age! However, some women are left with doubts about whether or not they are trying to compete with their younger friends (or even children) in terms of fashion, and are therefore a bit reluctant to experiment. Such worries can be so confining! You may find the following tips helpful.

1) Experiment with new looks and fashion ideas! You may have to play around a bit to get it right, but you will probably find that certain items that you were afraid would look out-of-character for you actually make you look hotter and funkier than ever! Also, it is always fun to come up with a personalized fashion theme, such as always wearing funky, odd earrings regardless of the occasion, or jazzing up professional work outfits with playful, fun pumps and hairpieces. The possibilities are endless when you have an open mind!

2) Don't be afraid to change your fashion focus. Dressing just to conform to your perception of corporate casual or business professional can prove very limiting. You can always find ways to spice things up while remaining job-approved. In fact, it never hurts to stand out a bit and appear bold and brave with your strong fashion sense!

3) Choose your items carefully, especially when starting out. For example, while shopping at Funkyfunmaternitywear, you can begin by purchasing some of the smaller, simpler items to see if they work for you. Once you develop an idea of how funky and wild you are willing to go, shopping may take on a whole new world of fun!

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